Birthday Reminder

Don't forget the birthday of the people you love

Download Birthday Reminder
Birthday Reminder screenshot
Birthday Calendar

Your events

Not just birthdays, create your own events so as not to forget anything important!

Gift ideas

Gift Ideas

Take note of your gift ideas or choose from our suggestions and make the perfect birthday present

Birthday wishes

Birthday Wishes

Choose from dozens of greeting cards and phrases to celebrate the birthdays of your loved ones

Birthday Reminder 🎈

Birthday calendar
Birthday Reminder

Birthday Reminder is the free app for Android that will help you never forget the birthday of your friends or family 🎉

Why have an app dedicated to birthdays? It’s true, Facebook reminds you of birthdays or you can save them in the calendar. But all your family and friends have Facebook? How many commitments do you save in the calendar between work, family, etc.? So it is easy to forget about some birthday or to buy a gift.

Don't know your friends birthday?

Birthday Reminder in night mode

❤️ Birthday cards and wishes

Birthday Wishes

🎁 Collect Bday Gift Ideas

Birthday Gift

Celebrate your friends’ birthday by sending them the most suitable birthday card, you can choose from dozens of greeting cards included in your birthday reminder app! Choose the one you like best and match it with a birthday greeting phrase or write your own!

Every time you don’t know what to give to your family or a friend for their birthday? Yet if you think about it how many times have you happened to walk around the shops and think: this would be just fine for him! Or even to hear him talk about what he likes or would like to have or that they would give him? With Birthday Reminder and its gift ideas collector you no longer have to worry about being unprepared!

🌔 Night Mode 🌖

Birthday Reminder in night mode

📲 Birthday Reminder Widget

Birthdays Widget

😎 Backup

Custom Birthday Reminder

Birthday Reminder speaks your language

Birthday Reminder is translated into more than 20 languages. Can you help us with the translations? Contact us!

We speaks your language

Birthday Reminder

Don't forget the birthday of the people you love

Download Birthday Reminder